RES as a solution for energy supply in the Russian Far East
The third day of the RENWEX 2024 conference programme is devoted to development of microgeneration in Russia. It opened with the Strategic Session on Renewable Energy Sources as a Strategic Vector of Development of Remote Territories of the Far North. Energy Security, Investments, Technical Solutions.
The session was moderated by Maxim Gubanov, Head of Energy and Housing and Utilities at the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation. According to him, renewable energy sources can be a solution for supplying remote areas. This direction combines both the need to solve national issues and the possibility of applying new technologies, searching for investment and engineering solutions.
The session’s co-moderator was Ekaterina Zholudeva, Deputy Chair at the Board of the National Agency for Energy Saving and Renewable Energy (NAERE). She noted that very large territories of our country were outside the zone of centralised energy supply. Therefore, today much attention is paid to the development of technologies, organisational and technical issues to solve this problem.
The session participants emphasised that the development of distributed generation in remote and isolated areas is one of the strategic objectives of Russia in the energy sector. This issue is included in all sectoral and macro-regional strategic planning documents, including the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Energy Strategy of Russia until 2035, and strategies for socio-economic development of the Russian Far Eastern Federal District and the Arctic Zone.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO