Problems and prospects of electric transport development discussed at RENWEX 2024
The second day of the RENWEX 2024 conference programme was devoted to electric transport and its infrastructure.
The day's programme was opened by the Strategic Session on Electric Transport in Russia: Infrastructure Development and International Cooperation. The event was moderated by Irina Gavrilenko, Director at Consulting, Technology and Transactions Department of B1 Group.
Rustam Abulmambetov, Head of Division at the Department for the Development of Economic Sectors of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, noted that the electric vehicle fleet in the country had grown significantly in recent years. Now more than 50 thousand electric vehicles are already in operation and their number is steadily growing. At the same time, more than 11 thousand electric vehicles are manufactured or assembled directly in Russia.
Speaking about the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, the speaker specified that over the past two years more than 1,100 fast charging stations had been installed in 35 regions. This year, another 1,300 fast charging stations will be added in 65 Russian regions, with investors involved in their construction.
Government incentives for the purchase of domestically produced electric vehicles are also preserved, including a discount of 925 thousand roubles, which is a very significant factor for purchasers of electric vehicles. A separate discount is also available for the purchase of charging infrastructure equipment.
Igor Dukachev, Advisor at the Division for Development of Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Energy Equipment of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, also told the session’s participants about government support measures for manufacturers of electric vehicles and charging stations for them.
Vladimir Romanovsky, Deputy Director General at Mosgortrans, dedicated his speech to the development of electric transport in Moscow. The capital's government is currently implementing an ambitious programme to switch to a fully electric bus fleet by 2030. Moscow is the most significant consumer of electric buses in Russia. There are already more than 1700 of them in the Mosgortrans bus fleet. Three large electric bus depots have been built. Import substitution programmes tackle the tasks of development of production of traction batteries. It is not less important that, according to the calculations of Mosgortrans, replacement of one diesel bus by an electric bus allows to reduce CO2 emissions by 60 tonnes per year. This is an extremely important indicator for Moscow's ecology.
The discussion was also attended by business representatives and foreign partners, who noted the existing problems in the field of electric transport and charging infrastructure development, offered their vision of solving these problems, and outlined the directions for further development of the industry.
The second day of the RENWEX 2024 conference programme concluded with the Electric Battle: Roaming vs. Aggregation. The discussion was attended by representatives of companies that manufacture charging equipment for electric vehicles, charging infrastructure operators that operate this equipment, and companies that aggregate charging stations for electric vehicles. The problems of creating a friendly information environment for electric vehicle drivers about the charging infrastructure for their vehicles were discussed.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO